Re: Formula to auto calculate due date
Hi @Vivien Chong , Try: =IF(month@row=11, date(year@row,11,28), date(year@row, month@row, 30) Work for you? Mark2 · -
Re: Sheet Summary Report - Want to edit locked fields within Sheet Summary Report
Hi @ygoldgrab , It seems like your permissions should carry over but apparently they don't. At the bottom of the sheet summary edit screen is a link to the sheet. If you open the sheet can you edit t…1 · -
Re: Dashboard Chart to Show Rolling 12 Months
Hi @Kristen Thompson , I'm sure there's a solution. My thought is to create a new sheet that feeds the chart. Make a dynamic table that always depicts the last 12 months using MONTH and YEAR function…2 · -
Re: VLookup Not Working as Expected
Hi @barrilleauxap , Add "false" to the end of your formula so it searches for an exact match. =VLOOKUP([primary column]@row, {business headcount}, 3, false) Mark1 · -
Re: Check duplicate rows and keep the last ones.
You'll need to add a date criteria to know which entry is oldest. Do you have a created column? You could also use an autonumber column. Try: IF(COUNTIFS(Item:Item; items:item; Item@row; created:crea…1 ·